Saturday, September 23, 2006

Card Captor Sakura

Card Captor Sakura started when the Clamp girls decided to create a Manga series of the “Magical girls” genre, which was totally unknown to them.
The script was written by Nanase Okawa and it’s sweeter than the other scripts she has written. The drawings were in charge of Mick Nekoi, who achieve to create simple drawings but full of delicate details. The design of the costumes that the characters wear was in charge of Mokona Appapa. The dresses are pretty and show Appapa’s talent due to the fact that Sakura uses a different costume every time she catches a card.
This shojo was published in Nakayoshi magazine of Kodansha’s editorial, editors of popular Mangas such as Sailor Moon. The publishing started in June 1996 and ended in mid- 2000. The series was compiled in 12 volumes.
The plot starts differently from the Anime version. Sakura has already converted into a Card Captor and has several cards in her power. In the Manga series, there are less card to be captured than in the Anime. However, the main difference between the Manga and the anime series is the absence of Meiling Li, due to the fact that she was created for the TV show.
The plot is divided in two parts. The first part is about the capture of the Clow crads and develops from the first to the sixth volume. The second part is about the transformation of the Clow Cards into Sakura Cards (volumes 7th to 12th).
What is important about Card Captor Sakura is that it has attracted a new audience to the Manga- readers crowd. Plus, the aesthetics of the manga series are still influential for so many other manga books.
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Blogger Miaka said...

te escribo poco porq tngo q irme al bar...

me gusto tu comentario sobre sakura!!!!
cuando pueda tegrabo las pelis q te las devo!!!
como andas de las 5 enfermedades terminadas en itis?
espero q tes mejor!
me tenes q ayudar a estudiar..
q se yo... nos qdamos algun dia en la facu...
tuve el parcialito, y eran puras cuentas y me fue re bien..(siiii, claaaaaro, en un sueño magico..)

te mando un beso enorme!!!!!^^
nos vemos mañana!!!!!


8:30 AM  
Blogger Mechi said...

Dale, te ayudo... yo ya empecé a resolver ejercicios!!!

1:54 PM  
Blogger Mechi said...

Química maldita... mejor dicho, termodinámica maldita.
Jeje... espero que Dios se apiede de mi y haya aprobado.

10:28 AM  

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